Life Care Planning Law Group

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Life Care Planning

Life Care Planning exists as a Tension between autonomy and safety.

What is life care planning?  
The answer to the question is at the same time simple and complex.  A Life Care Plan is a wholistic approach to your aging care needs combining the legal expertise of an Elder Law Attorney with the knowledge, skills and training of an Elder Care Coordinator.  An Elder Care Coordinator is a member of our staff who is knowledgeable in elder care and is specifically trained to navigate and understand the elder community and professionals and resources available.

By getting to know the elder, his/her family, and the worries and concerns of everyone involved we create a Life Care Plan for you.  The Life Care Plan places special emphasis on issues the specific needs and desires of your family.  It connects your concerns about long-term care as you journey through the process of aging.  It is a roadmap, a guide, a piece-of-mind for this exciting yet unsettling process.

What Does a Life Care Plan Do?
A Life Care Plan is crafted to your specific needs to include some or all of the following:

  • At home and on-site assessments to identify your loved one’s care needs and assistance in meeting them
  • Solutions that help you find and arrange in-home help
  • Coordination of public and private resources to for long-term care
  • Medicaid long-term care and community based planning and strategizing to access all available public benefits
  • Preparation of wills, trusts, power of attorney and advance directive
  • Education and training to guide you on when and where to call for services

The Elder Care Coordinator
The Elder Care Coordinator is the linchpin to the Life Care Planning Model.   They are the primary contact for the elder and the family and are responsible for implementing much of the Life Care Plan.  They report directly to the attorney and together help you make decisions. We are your resource of experienced, supportive, knowledgeable, and objective advisors.

Our Elder Care Coordinators help make sure that you or elder and caregiver get good care and support whether it’s at home or outside the traditional home setting.  Our Elder Care Coordinators play the primary role in implementing the Life Care Plan, the focus of which is to promote your good health, safety, and well-being.

For a better feel of what our Elder Care Coordinators do for you, see some of our success stories here.